Ballarat Begonia Festival
Written by Becky Lin
PPM was invited to join the Ballarat Begonia Festival with the Grampians Central West Waste and Resource Recovery Group from 8th to 11th of March. All the festival goers that passed by were intrigued by our machines, asking all sorts of questions. We were focussed on engaging and educating them about recycling and reducing plastic. The kids loved shredding the plastic, hearing the crunching sounds of plastic becoming pellets and watching it getting crushed so that we could repurpose the plastic. We also used the extruder to make pots for plants and baskets, as well as the injector to make decorative stars and letters.
Lastly, PPM made a range of earrings to sell for the weekend with flower designs to suit the ocassion, which was able to grab attention. Over all the Festival was a great avenue to gather large interest and inform the public about reusing plastic and we are thankful for this opportunity.